TwinPower Turbine Standard Non-Optic - NSK Coupling 4H PAR-4HEX-NK

Price:$695.00 ea.

Item Number: JM-1818604

Manufacturer: Morita

Mfg. Number: 16-1818604

Contains: Handpiece, Spray Hole Wire

Standard Head NSK Non-Optic
NSK FlexiQuick Coupling

Head Diameter: 10.5 mm, Head Height: 13.2 mm, Non-Optic (no light), 22W

The TwinPower Turbine standard model offers 22 watts of smooth cutting power. Clinically evaluated by several institutions, TwinPower has earned high marks for its fit to hand ergonomics, balance, visibility, power output, and braking ability.

The TwinPower Turbine features the worlds only twin turbines and it harnesses super-high torque in an efficient handpiece design. With its double-impeller technology it has a constant speed even under high load conditions. Zero suck back technology. Ceramic ball bearing handpiece.

Contains: Handpiece, Spray Hole Wire