TwinPower Turbine UltraE Mini Head - Sirona Coupling 4H PAR-4HUEX-O-SR

Price:$995.00 ea.

Item Number: JM-5357527

Manufacturer: Morita

Mfg. Number: 16-5357527

Contains: Handpiece, Spray Hole Wire

UltraE Mini Head Sirona
Fits: Sirona RF Coupling

Head Diameter: 9.0mm, Head Height: 12.7mm, Optic (light), 20W

The TwinPower Turbine features the worlds only twin turbines and it harnesses super-high torque in an efficient handpiece design. With its double-impeller technology it has a constant speed even under high load conditions. Zero suck back technology. Ceramic Ball Bearings.


Contains: Handpiece, Spray Hole Wire